Lately, three major trends have been spreading across early childcare education, worldwide. These practices are rising in popularity and visibility in preschools, daycare centers, and others early learning providers.
Currently, more researchers, parents, regulators and the public have a better understanding of the importance of quality education in the early years. Childcare providers are working diligently to achieve much higher standards than ever. A preschool is no longer just a safe place for parents to leave their kids, so they can work. Daycare is now a stimulating environment focused on progressive early learning. Therefore, the demand for qualified teachers is much greater and the requirements for positions as an early learning educator are increasing. This means a push for higher salaries is also in the works.
A move toward emergent curriculum has grown in popularity as well. Several countries are straying away from testing, assessments, and teaching prescribed lesson plans. Instead, they are putting the focus on taking cues from students and what interests them and forming a more individualized curriculum. This type of learning has been proven to have better outcomes developmentally in young children. Emergent curriculums are more fluid but must be created and enforced by highly skilled teachers who can put this type of learning into action. The demand for emergent curriculums goes hand in hand with the trend toward early learning professionalization.
In recent years more, innovation and modern technology have hit early childhood education classrooms. Parents, educators, regulators, and advocates are now embracing these tools and recognize technological advances as essential in the learning environment. However, much effort has been made in making updating the classroom more affordable and accessible. For instance, electronic tablets are a useful tool for kids to easily explore early learning apps and other software.
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