Teach your child to eat healthy from the very first bite they experience. You control which flavors and textures they will become used to eating. Your child will decide what to eat from the choices you provide.
Healthy food habits include knowing how to listen to your body. Children innately know to eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full. When we force them to finish what is on their plates, we mess with the natural internal order. We need to share the responsibility with our kids so they don’t lose touch with their internal cues. They need to be taught to eat slowly and always stop when full.
Here are some additional tips on how to instill healthy habits for kids:
Also, never use food as a reward or take it away as a form of punishment. It can be fun to teach healthy food habits for kids by letting them help you with the grocery shopping. It is a great way to show them how to choose healthy snacks. Children also enjoy helping to cook. Keep them involved and engaged. The good food habits they learn now will last the rest of their lives.
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