


Stay tuned. New campus coming soon - Downtown Calgary!

KG Section
5+ Years

Kindergarten Program Calgary: 5-6 years

Available at all of our locations in Calgary, Strathmore and in Saskatoon, Fueling Brains Academy’s Kinder Age Programs is uniquely based on their individual stage of development, and not simply on age group. Between the ages of 3 to 6 years old, children are capable of retaining extensive information and Fueling Brains Academy’s programs help them to begin to truly understand early numeracy, literacy and science concepts.

Fueling Brains Academy’s Kinder Age Programs focuses on whole child development.

In our Kinder Age Programs, children continue with the 3-in-1 curriculum and engage in additional learning experiences. Fueling Brains Academy’s Kindergarten offers 1000 hours of programming, versus 500 hours offered by other public school Kinder Age Programs. Our unique blend of brain development-focused programs ensure a smooth transition to Grade 1.

What We Teach?

Our approach to Kindergarten is different from other programs in 3 ways.

1. Leadership

At FBA, we celebrate all that Kindergarteners have achieved already in their educational journey. We recognize them as leaders, and we view them as mighty learners with powerful perspectives and abilities to shape the world around them. Our goal is to have leadership experiences with younger students at our campuses.

2. Working with citizens to co-construct the future

The influence of Kindergarten students in the classroom environment cannot be understated.  Children in our Kinder Age Programs are able to work closely with our teachers to determine their own learning projects, field trips, and special guest presentations.

3. Learning Assessments for individualized learning

Fueling Brains evaluates students’ performance and development 5 times throughout the year. Your child’s progress will be shared with you semi-annually throughout the year at our Parent-Teacher Interviews (PTIs) where you collaboratively review your child’s report card and progress. Checklists will be sent in between the official report card periods for you to engage in your child’s learning at home.

Enrolling your child in our Kinder Age Programs is easy. Here’s an overview of our enrollment process:

Kindergarten Enrollment Process

Enrolling your child in our daycare programs is a breeze. Visit to select your preferred region and get started on the enrollment process for our campuses across Canada.

Book Your Visit Today: Schedule Your Appointment and Tour with Us

Looking to explore our campus before making a decision?

You can either schedule an appointment with us or book a tour of our highly recommended campuses in the Calgary and Saskatoon regions.

Simply click on one of the links below to choose the option that works best for you.

Book Appointment or Book a tour

Tuition Fees and Payment Plans

All Fueling Brains Academy campuses are a part of the Federal Government Child Care Affordability program. This means that tuition costs can decrease by up to 50%. Our Kinder Age Programs tuition fees start as low as $640/month, after the government grant is applied. For exact tuition prices based on specific schedules and programs, please contact us at or call us at 403-258-0498

the kids-u difference
Creative/critical thinking skills
Creative activities in kindergarten
  • Creative expression through music, art, dramatic play and creative movement
  • Science concepts through exploration, experiments and a wide variety and availability of materials to discover scientific principles
  • Early literacy skills through the development of an extensive vocabulary using pictures, stories and small group sessions
  • Early numeracy skills through the use of concrete materials to measure height, length, weight, volume and time
  • Social development through building relationships with adults and peers, cultural diversity, social responsibility, cooperative play, positive problem solving strategies
  • Creative/critical thinking skills
Kinder Age Programs

5+ Years

End Goals for the Kindergarten Program in Calgary

  • To become independent
  • To develop concentration
  • To increase motor skills and coordination
  • To adapt to the environment and be creative in it
  • To cultivate social awareness
montessori preschool


Our preschool and Kinder Age Programs play an integral role in developing the child’s independence and sense of responsibility.

During these developmental years, children begin to transition from being nappers to becoming non-nappers. Our classrooms accommodate both of these stages by providing separate rooms and individual schedules for each child.

Fueling Brains Academy offers three time options for you to choose from to accommodate the weekly schedule you desire for child care.

  • Preschool and Care hours (7:00 am to 5:30 pm at our Calgary schools and 6:45 am to 5:45 pm at our Strathmore location) give you the flexibility for full day care as well as benefiting from the extra programming that support our core curriculum hours. This schedule is available for  three or five days a week for your convenience. You are able to choose your days based on the space availability at your desired location.
Healthy nutrition for children


In our toddler program, we reflect cultural diversity to stimulate a broader palate, and our cooks use local produce whenever possible.

We provide a separate menu for children who are vegetarian, and attention to children with allergies is of high importance.



The monthly tuition fee includes the following for every child attending the program:

  • Healthy morning breakfast for Preschool and Care students
  • Healthy lunch for children in full-day programs (half-day preschool not included)
  • Healthy afternoon snack for children in Preschool and Care
  • Special guests, extracurricular activities, projects, and specialized instruction
  • Activities, classroom supplies, and supervised care
  • Personal portable cubby space for storage of personal items
  • Personal mattress or cot for napping

Opening Hours

Braeside Campus

Mon - Fri

7:00 am - 5:30 pm



Opening Hours

Bridgeland Campus

Mon - Fri

7:00 am - 5:30 pm



Opening Hours

Centennial Campus

Mon - Fri

7:00 am - 6:00 pm



Opening Hours

MCKNight Campus

Mon - Fri

7:00 am - 5:30 pm



Opening Hours

New Brighton Campus

Mon - Fri

6:30 am - 6:00 pm



Opening Hours

Strathmore Campus

Mon - Fri

6:30 am - 6:00 pm



Opening Hours

Walden Campus

Mon - Fri

7:00 am - 5:30 pm



Opening Hours

West 85th Campus

Mon - Fri

6:30 AM - 6:00 PM



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